Erica's Family Ancestry

Several names (see index of families) and many places surface in the search for Erica Clark Kenny's roots.

There are places in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and elsewhere- and some families stretch back into New Hampshire, in New England - and back into England - in times prior to the American Revolution.

There are prominent names - names of local renown - like the Whidden family, some of whom served in the Nova Scotia Legislature - and Nichols, founders of Nicholsville (now part of Deer Lake), Newfoundland. (In 2005, there is a Whidden Hall - part of McMaster University - named in honour of a distant Whidden relative).

Other family names (see index) include: Bungay, Butland, Clark (sp. Clarke or Clarck), Evoy, Fraser, Nichols, Taylor . . . One ancestor - Thomas Roberts, was the governor of New Hampshire from 1640 to 1643.

Places like Inverness, Cape Breton Island, NS; Stillwater in Guysborough County, NS; Burgeo District of Newfoundland; localities such as Deer Lake, LaPoile, Mount Pearl, Nicholsville, Ramea, Rose Blanche and St. Mary's Bay - all in Newfoundland - play important roles and settings, as well - as do the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon just off the coast of Newfoundland, but belonging to France.

Information is here included about many of these places - with pictures, historical census and other information from historical 'directories.' One can see the often harsh and rugged beauty of the places where they lived.

It easily will be obvious that water (ocean, sea, rivers, lakes . . . ) play an important role in the story of Erica's family. Many places will evoke a sense of the lonely struggle against the elements - wind and water and tide, also revealing, no doubt, a hardy resilience and the necessity of hard work.

There are old villages and cemeteries to visit and perhaps there are still relatives and others e who knew - and who remember some of the family members listed here.

So, let's look at some of the families and individuals that are in Erica's ancestry - Bungay; Butland; Clark; Evoy; Nichols; Taylor; Whidden - and many others.


Index of Erica's related Families



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