Nelson Clarck

Nelson Clarck (born January 1856, Newfoundland) was the father of Edward Clarck. He was the son of John Clarck and Maria Sanders. He married Martha Perham (born October 1858, Newfoundland). At the time of the 1911 Census they were residing on Archibald Street, North Sydney (District of Cape Breton, North-Victoria). Nelson is said to be 'French' in background and Martha is 'English' in background.

Nelson and (perhaps) Martha were buried in the cemetery on St. Pierre (Pierre & Miquelon).

In addition to their son Edward Clarck, Nelson and Martha Perham Clarck had the following children:

John James (born in 1882)

Francis (1884 - married Rachelle M and had one child)

Isaac Wilson Clarck (born 1886 - died 1887)

Louis Alfred (1888 - 1955)

Georgette (born 1889)

Richard (born 1893 - died in 1894)

Marie Louise (born January 1884, Newfoundland); married Robert Grandy

Clara Clarck (born March 1897)

Bertha Clarck (born October 1901; married Stephen Joseph Steele who died 7 September 1996) - Beloved husband of Bertha Mae Clarck; God is Love (buried Lakeside Cemetery, North Sydney, Nova Scotia)


It seems that the Clarck family (families), at least this one, moved back and forth at various times among locales like Newfoundland (Oderin in Placentia Bay), St. Pierre & Miquelon, and Nova Scotia. This was, perhaps, either he cause the result of intermarriage and the mobility of fishing out of various village-ports.

While we know that Edward Clarck was born on the Island of St. Pierre, and that his father Nelson is buried there (see below), the 1911 Census for Nova Scotia shows that his parents were living in Nova Scotia (Archibald Street, District of Cape Breton North-Victoria), along with two younger sisters in the family - and one older sister. The return is very faded (written in pencil or old ink . . .):


Mary f daughter single born Newfoundland January 1884 age 27 (This is possibly the above Marie Louise; or, maybe there was another 'Mary.)

Nelson m married born Newfoundland January 1856 age 54

Martha wife born Newfoundland October 1858 age 52

Clara daughter born St. Pierre March 1897 age 12

Bertha daughter born St. Pierre October 1901 age 9

More detailed:

Nelson Clark (sic)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 54
Birth Date: Jan 1886 (sic: looks more like 1861 - which fits closer to age being 54
Birthplace: Newfoundland
Family Number: 223
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's name: transcribed 'Harold' (sic: should be Martha - which it clearly is in original)
Tribal: English (sic: reads ‘French’ in original . . .) - shows French background . . . (Clarck's are from Oderin, settled by Basque Fishermen, in Placentia Bay.)
Province: Nova Scotia
DISTRICT: Cape Breton North-Victoria
District Number: 39
Sub-District Number: 12
Place of Habitation: Archibald St
Census Year: 1911
Page: 24
Household Members: (Name Age)

Nelson Clark 54
Harold Clark 52
Clara Clark 12
Bertha Clark 9

Harold Clark (sic: should be Martha as direct access to original shows . . .; this is Martha Perham)
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 52
Birth Date: Oct 1858
Birthplace: Newfoundland
Family Number: 223
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's name: Nelson
Tribal: English
Province: Nova Scotia
DISTRICT: Cape Breton North-Victoria
District Number: 39
Sub-District Number: 12
Place of Habitation: Archibald St
Census Year: 1911
Page: 24
Household Members: (Name Age)

Nelson Clark 54
Harold Clark 52
Clara Clark 12

Bertha Clark 9

Surnames of relatives "from St. Pierre Cemeteries"

CD# Cemetery Name (Year of Record/Death) - Number of Photographs
NF903 : SPI13 CASTAING, Gilbert (1973) & Carie Clarck & Maria - 1 photo
NF903 : SPI13 CLARCK, Charlotte (1915) & Clara & P Lelandais - 2 photos
NF902 : SPI12 CLARCK, Nelson (xxxx) & others - 1 photo

Clarck Family Tree

Erica's Family