Louis Alfred Clarck

Louis (or Louie) Clarck was the son of Nelson Clarck and Martha Perham.

Following, is the obituary of Louis Alfred Clarck (or Clarke) who was the brother of Edward Clarck.

DECEDENT: Louis Alfred ("Louie") (CLARKE) Cla


Published in Sydney Post on Saturday, December 24, 1955 - Submitted by Wanda Ross

Sydney Post - died Saturday, December 24, 1955. TOWN MOURNS DEATH OF LOUIS CLARCK (CLARKE)

North Sydney - Louis Alfred ("Louie") Clarck, 69, a man who was prominently known in police circles for many years - and was Chief of the North Sydney detachment for most of the 39 years of his association with the department - passed away at his residence on May Street at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 24th, and news of his death was learned of with deep regret by many friends throughout Cape Breton and elsewhere. Head of the Police Department of this Northside town for over a quarter of a century after he had earlier been Liquor Inspector in the town, he was one of the best known Police Chiefs in the province. He had been active in his position until ill-health obliged him to retire in May of this year. In addition to his work in connection with Police Chief, and the various duties that position carried, the former Chief was prominently known for his work in organizing numerous affairs and had been the number one figure at various Old Home Week and other celebrations held over a period of many years.

He was a household name in North Sydney for a long time. "Louie" Clarck, as he was best known to a widespread circle of friends, was born at St. Pierre 69 years ago and came to North Sydney when he was 13 years old. During the first number of years that he resided here, he operated a taxi business, and later was a member of a local hotel staff for a long time. Appointed Liquor Inspector for the town, he filled this position for some years and later was appointed Chief of Police of the department - with which he had been for a total of 39 years prior to his retirement earlier this year. The deceased, who had a colourful career as a police officer and was prominently known in the Maritimes, for the persistence in "getting his man", was a fearless officer and one who had stepped into many situations which many bigger men would rather steer clear from.

The one-time Chief was a crafty operator in police circles, and often "broke" cases through sheer persistence and by working on leads which were pretty slim and looked anything but encouraging when first discovered.

Due to ill health, he was obliged to retire from active duty in May of this year. He was a patient in Saint Elizabeth Hospital for some time, after which he was since confined to his home. A member of St. Joseph's Church, he was twice married.

His first wife, the former Sadie MacKinnon, predeceased him some years ago, and by that marriage he is survived by one daughter, Marguerite, (Mrs. Thomas G. Young), Peppett, St. and four sons; William in Halifax, Nelson, well known local taximan, Harry in Sydney Mines and Ronald, here.

By his second marriage he is survived by his wife the former Jane Johnston and one daughter Barbara Ann. Also surviving are one sister, Mrs. Robert Grandy, Hamilton, Ont. and two brothers, Harry Clarck, Archibald Avenue and Edward Clarck, Pierce Street and a number of grandchildren and nieces and nephews.

The largely attended funeral was held Monday morning from the W. J. Dooley Funeral Home, Blowers Street, leaving there in time for mass at 9:00 a.m. at St. Joseph's Church. Rev. R. D. Smith C.C. officiated at the mass, also at the graveside services where internment was made in Holy Cross Cemetery. Pall bearers were Chief of Police Joseph Hickey, Constable James Meaney of the local department and Chief of Police Howard Sexton and Constable Kenneth Simpson of the Sydney Mines Police Department. Members of the Northside detachment of the R.C.M. Police were in attendance at the funeral. Sydney Post , died March 29, 1979.

Clarck Family Tree

Erica Clark