Harmer Family of West Flamborough, Wentworth County, Ontario

The Harmer family was one of the original settlers in the north side of the marsh bordering Coote's Paradise. In this area also settled the mordens, Frances, Hopkins, Lyons, Everetts, Rasberrys, Newmans, Nevitts and Desjardins. South of the York Road, on the land owned by James Harmer, amidst weeds and desolation, is what's left of the old Hopkins Cemetery.

The district is now a bird sanctuary, part of the Royal Botanical Gardens, which contains about 500 acres. Captain Coote, of the King's Regiment, was a sports-lover with a great love for this district; his comrades nicknamed the area Coote's Paradise. Bordering on the marsh was the Rasberry farm of 210 acres.

Joseph Harmer, born ca 1828 in England (died W. Flamborough, 3 Febuary, 1894, aged 66) was with his wife Rosetta Fairhead one of the first settlers in this area.

Joseph's son, William Stewart Harmer, with his wife Avis Matilda Newman, raised Newman James Almas after his parents (David Almas and Jane Newman) both died at a very early age.