James Whidden

James Whidden

born - abt 1713, Canterbury, New Hampshire

died - 13 December 1790, Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia

parents - Samuel Whidden 2nd and Sarah Jones

came to Nova Scotia as a grantee of the Township of Onslow, in the 1760's.

spouse - 1. Abigail Sanborn - married 26 May, 1746; 2.Mary Gould (issue: Elizabeth b. 1774)

parents - John Sanborn and Sarah Philbrick

born - 24 October 1716, North Hampton, New Hampshire

died - abt 1756, New Hampshire

children -

John Whidden

David Whidden

Samuel Whidden 3rd

Sarah Whidden

Simeon Whidden

Eleanor Whidden

Elizabeth Whidden

Martha Whidden

Whidden Family Introduction

Erica's Side
