Harriet Susanna Whidden

Harriet Susanna Whidden

born - 1842, Stillwater, St. Mary's Township, Nova Scotia

parents - John Whidden and Catherine Fraser

died 17 August 1921 - Nicholsville, Newfoundland

spouse - George Aaron Nichols Sr.; married - 14 June, 1867, Baptist Church, Melrose, Nova Scotia

born - ca 1846, Inverness, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

parents - John Nichols and Hannah McCloud

died - 9 May 1912 - Nicholsville, Newfoundland

children -

John Henry Archibald Nichols

George Aaron Nichols Jr.

Edgar Charles Nichols

Emma Margaret Nichols

Bertha Nichols

Elizabeth Mary Nichols

William Holly Glover Nichols

Norman McLain Nichols

Frederick S. Nichols

Whidden Family Introduction

Erica's Side
