Mary McLean

Having got into the McLean family tree, one is into a 'real ride' back into history - assuming (always a dangerous thing in genealogical pursuit) that some of the on-line sites that tie Whiddens back to the MacLean (and others) dynasty of Scotland are accurate.

This takes us back to famous people like Robert the Bruce, of Scotland - and into the kings and queens of Scotland and Normandy (and so linked to all of British Royalty) - and into the High Chiefs and High Stewards of Scotland. . . and into the Lairds of various Scots counties, stretching down into ancient and distant paths. To the Scottish clans of MacDonald, Mackenzie, MacKinnon and so on . . .

It may very well be that these 'trees' are accurate and that, indeed, you (Erica) are a princess, or a countess, or a queen! (Not surprising, but . . . "We're not worthy! - I'm not worthy !) . . . Nevertheless, let's have fun with some of these branches (hold yur mouth just right and so) - and - who knows, one day, we may very well find that it's all quite true?! And yet - hold lightly some of this information - especially as you go further back, for someone may have made (false) links out of pure speculation and wishful thinking . . . Having said that, I'm not sure where I could be proven wrong in the search thus far . . .

There are branches of the McLean family (a branch connected through William Whidden - see below), that is related to Erica's line - including: Fraser, MacLeod and Vance.

MacLeod leads to groups of families like another Fraser branch - and the De Bruce family of Scotland. Vance is related to the Mackenzie family.

I've limited the ancient search for now, for to be into the de Bruce's and others is to be related to all of the royalty of Europe - thousands of names online - which may or not be true.

Of course to be a son or daughter of the King of Kings - now that's the thing !! . . .

Mary McLean

born - 22 April 1784, East Jordan River, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia

parents - Timothy Vance MacLean and Eleanour Mackenzie

died - 1842, Guysbrorough County, Nova Scotia

spouse - William Whidden

born - 11 April 1784, Middle Stewiacke, Colchester County, Nova Scotia

parents - Simeon Whidden and Dorothy (Dolly) Blair

died - February 1857, St. Mary's River, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia

children -

John McLean Whidden

Thomas Whidden

William Whidden

Robert Whidden

Timothy Whidden

Hugh McLean Whidden

Robert Whidden

Whidden Introduction

Erica's Side