The Moore Family

Elizabeth Moore married William Barber 4th October, 1811, in Cratfield, Suffolk. The Banns for their marriage were published on three consecutive Sundays prior to that date, at St. Mary's, Cratfield - September 15, 22 and 29.

Elizabeth was christened at St. Margaret's, Southelmham, 29 November, 1789. She was the daughter of Joshua Moore and Mary Smith.

Her brother, Joshua, (c. 1787) with his wife Elizabeth (Stopher) was the owner of the 'public house' (now The Poacher) in Cratfield. This was the setting for the dialogue that a Mr. Churchyard had concerning the Bulcamp Work House, that partially resulted in the Bulcamp Workhouse Riot of 1835, which then resulted in the arrest of Robert Barber. Robert worked for this farmer (i.e Mr. Churchyard) as a farm labourer and as his driver.

Related families to the Moores, include: Danby, Smith

IGI Information - The Moore Family of Southelmham (South Elmham) Suffolk

Elizabeth RINGER m. Thomas MOORE 15 Jan 1790 South Elmham Saint Margaret, Suffolk, England
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. 8214690 - 0884821
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. M133891 1695-1875 0919630

James MOOR Christening: 22 Mar 1693 South Elmham Saint James, Suffolk, England
Father: James MOOR Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. 8214690 - 0884821

James MOORE Birth: Abt. 1755 of St. James, Suffolk, England m. Mary STURGEON
Film Number: 1239557

James MOORE c. 23 Dec 1639 Cratfield, Suffolk, England
Father: Nicolas MOORE Mother: An.
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C062922 1539-1812 0919569 Film 6900891

James MOORE Christening: 1 Sep 1730 South Elmham All Saints And Saint Nicholas, Suffolk, England
Father: Christopher MOORE Mother: Elizabeth
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. 8214690 - 0884821

James MOORE Christening: 1 Mar 1758 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Joshua MOORE Christening: 5 Aug 1756 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Ann MOORE Christening: 27 Jun 1760 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Susannah MOORE Birth: 17 Jun 1763 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Robert MOORE Christening: 19 Aug 1768 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Mary
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Lucy MOORE Christening: 8 Sep 1772 South Elmham Saint Cross, Suffolk, England
Father: Joshua MOORE Mother: Amy (Crofoot)
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. C063132 1558-1789 0919630 Film 1238657

Parish Records re: Moore Family of St. Cross, Southelmham, Suffolk

Joshua son of Joshua and Mary (Danby) bap 5.8.1756
James son of Joshua and Mary bap 1.3.1758
Ann dau of Joshua and Mary bap 27.6.1760
Susanna dau of Joshua and Mary bap 17.6.1763
Robert son of Joshua and Mary 19.8.1768

Mary buried (wife of Joshua) 10.7.1769

Joshua Moore from St Margaret South Elmham buried 23.6.1796 (Mary's husband)

Both Joshua and Mary nee Danby have gravestones at St. Cross (if they are still there).

Lucy dau of Joshua and Amy Moore bap 8.9.1772

Lucy dau of Joshua Moore and Amy (late Crowfoot) aged 24 buried 8.11.1796
Phillip Moore son of Thomas and Elizabeth (late Ringer) born July 23 1802 bap 12.7.1808

Henry H? Dalliston St Margaret Ilketshall married Mary Ann Moore by licence 23.10.1833
Witnesses: Mary Moore Jone Beaumont Lucy Reynolds E Beaumont

Edward Durrant of St Peters South Elmham married Lucy Moore by licence 25.10.1841
Witnesses Joshua Moore Horace Durrant Mary Moore

Moore Family of St. Margaret’s, Southelmham, Suffolk


Elizabeth dau of Joshua and Mary Moore, late Smith 29 Nov 1789
James son of Joshua and Mary Moore 5 Feb 1790
Biddy dau of Joshua and Mary Moore 11 June 1792
Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth Moore late Last 17 March 1793
Melicent dau of Joshua and Mary Moore 1794
Samuel Moore son of Joshua and Mary Moore 18 Nov 1798
John Last Moore son of Thomas and Elizabeth late Ringer born 21 Aug , privately baptized Aug 25 1799
Harriet Moore dau of Joshua and Mary born Nov 16, baptized 24 Nov 1800
Tryphena Moore dau of Joshua and Mary Moore born June 22, privately baptized 27 June 1802
Elizabeth dau of Robert and Elizabeth late Carley born 23 October, baptized 25 Dec 1802
Joshua Moore son of Robert and Elizabeth late Carley born Aug 9th privately baptized 24 Aug 1806
Phillip Moore son of Thomas and Elizabeth late Ringer born 28 July 1802 baptized 12 July 1808


Thomas Moore m. Bridget Freestone widow by licence 21.6.1763 witnesses: ? Norman John ? Moore
John Rackham m. Sarah Moore widow by licence 2.12.1775
Joshua Moore m. Mary Smith (minor aged 20) by licence 21.6.1783 witnesses: John Moore Thomas Smith
William Woods m. Charlotte Moore by licence 27.8.1790 witnesses: Lucy Moore James Catchpole
Thomas Spalding (parish of Beccles) m. Mary Moore By licence 28.9.1795
Samuel Spalding m. Bridget Moore - licence from Archdeaconary Commissary - 20.12.1796; witnesses: Thomas Moore James Spalding
Elisha Aldrich m. Mary Moore a minor with consent from Father- Joshua Moore 3.12.1802; witnesses: Jonathon Glowritt Mary Carley Amy Moore